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At Teymasa, we have always been aware of the need to formally include social-labour, environmental and human rights concerns as an intrinsic part of our business. It is true that over the years, besides being a steadfast mission of our CEO, we had never taken the step of reflecting this in our quarterly or annual reports, or simply putting in writing our overarching guidelines for taking any business decision. With the maturity that comes from experience, and taking advantage of the closure of 2017, we set to work. Here, we are sharing the foundations of our actions, the ones we will follow at all times and with which we pledge to continue to improve in this challenging future that lies ahead of us. Teymasa CSR Principles. Approved by the Board of Directors on 27.12.2017

1. Human resources

• The average workday in my company does not exceed the length of the workday stipulated in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

• The company makes no distinction by age, race or sex when hiring new workers.

• The percentage of permanent contracts is higher than that of temporary contracts.

• The salaries earned by workers are above what is stipulated by the Collective Bargaining Agreement in the sector.

• The company has a significant number of women on its staff and in senior positions.

• If new hires are needed, the company will always take internal promotion into account as the first choice.

• The staff contains workers with limited capacities, or in their absence these persons participate in certain hiring processes on even ground with other candidates.

• Surveys are conducted of the working environment in order to find flaws and implement improvements.

2. Organisation and administration

• Workers regularly receive information on the lines to pursue in terms of objectives and productive strategies.

• The company’s workers participate actively in decision-making processes in their department.

• The company has a board of directors specialised in different fields in order to ensure transparency, efficiency and the utmost rigour when taking strategic decisions.

3. Workplace and environmental risk prevention

• The company develops hazardous waste management and treatment plans according to the provisions of the laws currently in force.

• The company has liability insurance to cover workplace accidents.

• The company is committed to gradually lowering its consumption of natural resources.

• The company supplies approved materials and provides workers and managers with training courses on preventing workplace risks bearing in mind the laws currently in force.

4. Adaptation to change

• The company regularly offers employees training courses on new manufacturing techniques, strategies and procedures.

• The company has incorporated new working materials and new manufacturing techniques to improve productivity and competitiveness.

• The middle managers use and are aware of the scope of Social Selling and promote it. They attend specialised forums to keep abreast of trends, new developments and needs in the sector.

5. Relations with the local community

• We have a training programme targeted at members of the local community where we operate (internships, grants, school visits).

• We are members of an association or organisation in our town or region.

6. Relations with the commercial and productive environment

• When we present our products to our clients, we do so with all the information needed on their components and features.

• The Teymasa supplier policies prevent us from using suppliers involved in the underground economy.

• The company’s relations with other companies in the sector, with the associations that represent us and with public or private institutions associated with our economic activity are stable and lasting.